You’re going to want to take the time to read this!

From OxyContin of the Sackler [Family] to Bill Gates’ Covid 19

by  Fr. Olivier Rioult  —  July 3, 2020

From American Jewish family to WHO philanthropist:
the same destructive lie…

Most of our contemporaries are neither psychologically nor culturally ready to understand our world. Stopping only at appearances, they are unable to grasp the facts in all their cruel reality. The truth is too violent. So let’s take it easy. Before saying a few words about the globalist imposture, let’s start with a case confined to one family and one country: the Sackler family in the USA. This will take us from OxyContin to Covid 19.

Who are the Sacklers?
The Sacklers are a multi-billion dollar Jewish family that has made a fortune in the medical industry in the United States. In 1952, in Connecticut, two brothers, Mortimer and Raymond, sons of Jewish immigrants from Poland and the Ukraine, bought a small drug company in New York that they would transform into a pharmaceutical empire that would later take the name “Purdue Pharma”.

In 1996, Purdue introduces an opioid drug that works wonders as a pain reliever: OxyContin. It was the sale of this star drug that would provide the overwhelming majority of Purdue Pharmacy’s revenues and propelled the Sackler family to 19th place among the wealthiest families in the United States with a fortune of $13 billion (Forbes, 2016). After being made an Honorary Knight of the Order of the British Empire, Mortimer established the Dr. Mortimer and Theresa Sackler Foundation along with his third wife. As we shall see, among these people, it is a mania (or rather a strategy) to create foundations: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation: for the well-being of humanity… At his death, Mortimer leaves three wives and seven children, three of whom sit on the board of directors of the company he co-founded.

This great family is world-renowned for its philanthropy. The cultural and educational institutions in the United States and Europe that have accepted the Sackler’s largesse are very numerous: The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Louvre in Paris, the National Portrait Gallery, the Tate Gallery, the Royal College of Art in London, the Jewish Museum in Berlin, Columbia University, Yale University, MIT, Tel Aviv University School of Medicine, and many others… But…, because there is a ‘But’, time has shown that this philanthropy was just a cover, a façade, a sham. A strategy comparable to that of the wolf hiding under a sheepskin in order to eat the sheep better… Indeed, the family’s astonishing commercial triumph was going to cause an unprecedented public health tragedy.

A drug that kills but pays off…
The pharmaceutical company created by the two Sackler brothers is responsible for a major opioid addiction crisis that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths among Americans. France 2 has produced a documentary: “Antidouleurs: l’Amérique dévastée” (Painkillers: America devastated), which deals with intolerable physical pain, supposedly magical pills, lethal addiction, mass deaths and an extraordinary health scandal.

The cause of it all is OxyContin, an opium-based pain medication – twice as powerful as morphine – manufactured by the Purdue laboratory. Launched in 1996 with a lot of publicity, it quickly invaded private pharmacies. At the time, doctors paid by Purdue assured, on camera, that opioids were not only very effective, but above all safe. The commercial success was immense.

But twenty years later, most of the former model patients Purdue chose to embody the drug’s virtues have died. Because for the effect to last, you have to increase the doses… so the pain goes away. But only for a time. Hence the need to take larger and larger doses… In short, a vicious cycle. Because as you take more and more OxyContin, you get addicted, and then you die of overdose.

As a result, OxyContin triggered one of the worst epidemics of drug addiction and overdoses in U.S. history: repeated cases of sudden death, users suddenly stranded on the street or while shopping at the supermarket or driving their cars. Thousands of ordinary citizens became addicted to the drug after simply getting the drugs from their doctors. Thousands of Americans, believing that they are being cured, have become massively addicted to opioids, because of these legally sold painkillers prescribed to treat osteoarthritis or headache or abdominal pain. You thought you were buying aspirin and ended up addicted to heroin, then you lost your job, then you stole to keep buying your dose, and then you ended up in jail or in a detox centre or in a coffin. Mothers who took the Sackler’s product contaminated their children…

Opioid addiction has caused the death of nearly 300,000 people in the United States in twenty years, including 72,000 in 2017 alone: more than guns and road accidents combined! That’s starting to do a lot for an analgesic presented as addiction-free by a family of philanthropists… Thanks to the Sacklers, life expectancy is falling in the United States!

Hundreds of lawsuits against the criminal scam
All of these victims trusted their doctors and the pharmaceutical companies. All of them believed in Purdue Pharma’s advertising: conferences and television spots used reassuring language that said in essence: you have nothing to fear, there is no risk of addiction, the figures prove it. In fact, nothing was scientifically founded. A pure scam and a programmed scam!

Purdue Pharma and its heirs are accused of having woven a “web of illegal fraud” that has fuelled the deadly crisis in which America currently finds itself. According to Maura Healey, attorney general of the state of Massachusetts, the lawsuit names 16 current and former officers and board members, including CEO Craig Landau and eight members of the Sackler family, which wholly owns Purdue. According to The Guardian newspaper, the Sacklers being sued are : Theresa and Beverly, the widows of brothers Mortimer and Raymond Sackler; Ilene, Kathe and Mortimer David Alfons Sackler, three of Mortimer’s children; Jonathan and Richard Sackler, Raymond’s two sons; and David Sackler, Raymond’s grandson.

As reported in The Guardian, the complaint alleges that Purdue misled patients and doctors about the risks of opioids, pushed prescribers to keep patients on drugs longer, and aggressively targeted vulnerable populations, such as seniors and veterans. “Their strategy was simple, says Healey: the more drugs they sold, the more money they made and the more people died. It was Purdue’s leaders who oversaw this illegal business model, leading to drug addiction and deception to enrich the few while leaving a path of devastation and destruction in its wake.”

Approximately 100 cities and nearly 300 lawyers have filed hundreds of lawsuits against these methods for fraudulent and deceptive practices in the marketing of OxyContin. By 2007, Dr. Goldenheim and two other Purdue Pharma executives had already pleaded guilty to fraudulent marketing and to undercutting the addictive potential of Oxycontin. They were fined $600 million, a paltry sum in view of the profits they made. This did not prevent the pharmaceutical company from continuing its campaign for its flagship drug. It even redoubled its efforts to increase sales of its miracle product. To this end, about 100 medical sales representatives were recruited to canvass not only specialists but also general practitioners in the country. The medical sales representatives targeted family doctors: “Do your patients have pain? I’ve got the medicine you need to relieve them…” and they would leave scientific journals praising Purdue Pharma’s products without, of course, telling them that these journals were financed by Purdue Pharma itself… Their premiums, which were substantial (thousands of dollars per quarter), increased according to the dosages prescribed by the doctors. And icing on the cake: the magazines said that to solve the patient’s “pseudo addiction”, the doses had to be increased… Only degenerate beings are capable of lying at this point. In Yiddish, it’s called chutzpah, in French the cheek. The higher the doses, the fatter the Sackler became, and the more Americans became addicted…

As a result, OxyContin has been able to generate billions of dollars in revenue through very aggressive sales techniques. We find the same techniques conveyed and practiced by the same kind of individuals in the world of work and finance… Read Hervé Ryssen’s Jewish Mafia, examples abound.
Concretely, the Sackler family is responsible for more deaths than any Mexican drug cartel. With the difference that this Jewish family was freely allowed to market its potentially lethal drugs, whereas the Mexican mafia was, for the same activity, considered illegal and prosecuted by the police forces. This may explain why the Sacklers were never interviewed and their firm was never listed on the stock exchange.

The Pharmaceutical Mafia
We are not in the 5th dimension, but in reality. Doctors have really put their know-how at the service of death, to make a maximum profit. This “medical” practice, of course, has nothing to do with the Hippocratic oath. The goal here is to serve Mammon. It doesn’t matter that it sows death around you. These practices only shock those who have a conscience, but they pose no problem to those who have lost all moral sense. According to Barry Meier, the Sackler family “was a family that not only counted every pill sold, but also made sure that every pill sold had the greatest strength, because it was going to make the most money.

The scandal also exposed widespread corruption in the establishment, the US government and the medical establishment. Even after dozens of lawsuits revealing corruption, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a measure to give OxyContin to children. According to a 2017 New Yorker report on the family, the FDA had even estimated for a time that the drug was less addictive, even though Purdue had refused to conduct clinical studies on the drug’s effectiveness. In reality, the dangers of OxyContin addiction have been knowingly and criminally minimized or even concealed.

Not only did Purdue lie to doctors about the addictive potential of the drug and recommend prescribing OxyContin dosages when not necessary, but The New Yorker, along with other detailed articles about Purdue and the addiction crisis, found evidence of questionable practices on the part of this company. According to the Los Angeles Times: “The Times investigation, published in July, revealed that for more than a decade, an internal security team at “Purdue” had been monitoring doctors and pharmacies it suspected of collusion with drug dealers and addicts. In the case of the L.A. network, criminals set up a bogus clinic near MacArthur Park in 2008 and worked with corrupt doctors and pharmacists to obtain pills for more than 18 months. A “Purdue” sales manager dispatched to investigate the high volume of prescriptions at the clinic found a dilapidated building full of brutal men and urged supervisors to alert the Drug Enforcement Administration, saying she was “very certain that this is an organized drug trafficking ring”. Despite her pleas and additional evidence suggesting that pills were being poured into the hands of criminals, company officials did not turn to the authorities until years later, when the drug trafficking network ceased operations and its leaders were indicted. By that time, 1.1 million pills had been dumped into the illicit trade. “Purdue also maintained a secret database of 1,800 suspected doctors, but only 10 per cent of them were reported to law enforcement.

“Medicine’s a whore, her pimp is the pharmacist.” (Renaud)

Let’s leave the USA for the WHO and its famous virus, which was only a severe seasonal flu. Let’s leave the Sacklers and their drugs and move on to Bill Gates and his vaccine… The scale is different, but the scam is the same: the same philanthropic discourse, the same mammonic wealth, the same satanic project…

In his article Hydroxychloroquine: How Bad Science Became a Religion, Jean-Dominique Michel, medical anthropologist and public health expert, gave numerous quotes from scientists confessing that it was a mistake to naively trust “scientists”. He quoted Doctor John Ioannidis with his article “Why most published scientific research results are wrong” (2006); Dr Richard Smith, editor-in-chief of the British Medical Journal, who dared to publish an unambiguous editorial echoing Ioannidis’ criticism: “Most scientific studies are wrong, and they are wrong because scientists are interested in funding and their careers rather than in the truth”; Dr Relman who, in 2002, had already pointed out : “The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research”; his successor, Marcia Angeli noted in 2009: “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, nor to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I have reached slowly and reluctantly in my two decades as editor-in-chief”.

In short, the pharmaceutical industry isn’t about our health. It’s about marketing and profit. So it does not hesitate to market products that it knows have dangerous or lethal effects that it deliberately omits to declare. It does not hesitate to pay renowned medical professors to deny any causal link between certain damages and a particular drug. 40 million per year by the laboratories for the travel of doctors to Paris hospitals and their professional congresses. The pharmaceutical industry also finances the continuing (and compulsory) training of doctors. Expenditure is estimated at between 300 and 600 million euros each year. When a scandal breaks out, the pharmaceutical industry withdraws the toxic molecule, but not without having made a huge fortune in the process (Merck’s Vioxx earned 11 billion dollars during the time it was marketed). Big pharma is imposed a “fine” for misconduct, but it is still ridiculous in view of the profit made ($950 million compared to the $11 billion for Vioxx).

But above all, no one responsible goes to jail even if hundreds or thousands of people have been killed in the process. Because the pharmaceutical industry took the precaution of corrupting the system and placing its pawns on the political chessboard: the couple Agnès Buzyn (Minister of Health who decided to make 11 vaccinations compulsory) and Yves Lévy (head of INSERM) is an emblematic case. As well as Agnès Buzyn’s decision to urgently classify hydroxychloroquine as a “poisonous substance”, just a few weeks before Bill Gates’ WHO cried pandemic, the vaccine industry must have been delighted: because hydroxychloroquine is a very safe substance, taken by hundreds of millions of people for decades, which is not expensive, and is therefore not very profitable for Mammon. Whereas a vaccine… it pays big, and it doesn’t matter if it’s dangerous or useless.

A vaccine does indeed pay big, very big: In an article in the diplomatic world in January 2018, Leïla Shahshahani gives some figures…: “At the global level, the turnover of this industry was 42.3 billion euros in 2016, compared to 20.3 billion in 2012. It could approach 67 billion by 2025. This is the highest growth rate in the medicines sector. “Samuel Laurent, head of the “decoders” section in Le Monde, a magazine subsidized by Bill Gates, falsely claimed that: “Vaccines are generic, they don’t bring much profit to the labs. “Pure propaganda! In the 2016 annual report of Sanofi Pasteur, we learn that: “In 2016, Sanofi achieved a gross margin of 62% on vaccines, the highest in 5 years. The 2016 operating profit (gross profit) of the vaccines business is €1.57 billion, or 34.4% of its sales, while the operating margin for the entire group is 27.5%. “You know many retailers who make 62% gross profit?

“Bill Gates: Physician of the World” (Paris Match)?
As Jean-Dominique Michel wrote: “It is indeed frightening to see how many similarities there are between this industry and the mafia. The mafia makes obscene amounts of money, just like this industry. The side effects of organized crime are murder and death, and the side effects are the same in this industry. The mafia corrupts politicians and others, just like the drug industry…. Many people are killed by the industry, much more than by the mafia. And, as with the mafia, woe betide those who denounce or testify against the industry. Peter tells many stories of hunted whistleblowers. Bad” medicine (misdiagnosis, mistreatment, toxic drugs) has now become the third leading cause of death in the United States after cardiovascular disease and cancer. »

Well, this “bad” medicine has decreed a paper pandemic! In reality, there has never been an “unprecedented health crisis” (dixit Macron). On paper and in the media of the System: yes, but in reality: no. We stopped counting the flu deaths that were passed on (without proof or autopsy) as Covid deaths, and all deaths supposedly with the Covid were declared and assumed to have died from the Covid. In short, thanks to this manipulation of numbers, the global pandemic proved to be a particularly effective strategy of government by terror. This famous “pandemic” had been announced and desired by people such as Jacques Attali or Bill Gates. Gates’ foundation had even financed the 2019 event: a simulation organized in New York concerning a coronavirus epidemic .

And it is no coincidence that the WHO, whose main donor is the Gates Foundation, has taken the liberty of changing the definition of pandemic (dependent on high mortality) in order to be able to classify any epidemic (without high mortality) as a pandemic… Because this makes it possible to create a state of emergency, which in turn makes it possible to decree any liberticidal measure. Otherwise, what would be the point of declaring a pandemic an epidemic that has been going on for about six months, and whose mortality figures, even if overestimated, painfully give 300,000 deaths worldwide? This is nothing like the epidemics of the past, which caused millions of deaths in a smaller world population. As a reminder, Malaria has killed 327,000 people in the world, and during the same period, according to WHO sources; suicides: 357,000 thousand; cancers: 2.7 million; malnutrition: 3.7 million; infectious diseases: 4.3 million; not forgetting child abortions: 14.1 million… The lessons of Professor Robert Faurisson have still not been learned, but they are still relevant today. This Lecturer in text and document criticism warned us against propaganda that prevents us from seeing reality: “You are shown photographs of the dead and you think you see people killed”… Why? Because the ideological discourse invites us to do so while ignoring reality. The same in our case: the mortality figures of Covid 19 are those of a classic epidemic of an annual flu, but the discourse tells us that we have faced an exceptionally serious and deadly pandemic… And the masses believe it, not because it is reality but because of the official discourse and the orchestrated staging… Now, as Professor Denis Rancourt has shown: “masks and barrier gestures are useless”. Indeed, the ratio virus/mask is like trying to stop a 20 cm ball with a net with a mesh size of 3 metres! Those who voluntarily wear masks are therefore fools (victim of the lie) or actors (accomplice of the lie).

The founder and former CEO of Microsoft, long the richest man in the world, is funding nearly seven vaccines to “defeat” the coronavirus and has invested $250 million. In collaboration with MIT, one of these vaccines will in fact be used as a “nano-tattoo” as proof of vaccination, and will be essential for obtaining a passport. This is no longer a question of health but of population control. People will be chipped like animals. All this reminds us of a very Talmudic vision of humanity… Saint John had warned us: “Then I saw another beast [apostate religious power] rise up out of the earth, having two horns like a lamb and speaking like a dragon [Satan]. He wielded all the power of the first beast [temporal globalist power] in his presence, and he caused the earth and its inhabitants to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound had been healed [Israel]. And he deceived them that dwell on the earth by the signs which he had power to do in the presence of the beast… And he made all men, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to put a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no man might buy or sell, except he had the mark of the beast’s name, or the number of his name. This is wisdom! Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man, and the number is six hundred and sixty-six [ideology of the rights of divinized man]. “(Rev 13:11-18)

This universal digital traceability project is called ID2020: each person will be assigned a digital identity to record, over each nation state, dates of birth, medical records, credit cards, travel, political rights, social security benefits, medical history, vaccination history of citizens around the world…

Officially, the word Covid-19 appeared on February 11, 2020, when the World Health Organization took the syllables ‘co’ and ‘vi’ from the word coronavirus, and from the initial of the English word ‘disease’, which means “disease, pathology” and the number 19 for the year of its appearance: 2019. But according to some, Covid-19 would mean “Certificate Of Vaccination IDentity” with 1=a and 9=i for AI, which stands for Artificial Intelligence. This would not be the name of the virus but that of the Global Plan for the enslavement of populations. Agreements have been signed to this effect by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, with GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, the United Nations and other powerful actors (World Bank, etc.). In short, only “altruistic” cosmopolitan stateless globalists… like the Rockefeller Foundation who declared to exist “to face moments like this” and Soros who said that “this is the crisis of my life. Even before the pandemic struck, I realized that we were in a revolutionary era where what would be impossible, even inconceivable in normal times, had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary. “(Interview with Gregor Peter Schmitz, 11 May 2020)

As you have understood, there is in health totalitarianism a mammonic logic coupled with an ideological imperative. But beware, the key to the problem is not money-king. Mammon, is only a means. Very few people go to the end of the problem which is the pride of the creature: a desire for unlimited power in the service of Satan…

The Sackler, Bauer, Levy, Buzyn, Hirsch, Solomon, Jacob are Jews. The Gates, Rockefeller and a thousand others are not Jewish. But all of them are dangerous mammonites in the service of the devil. That is why we summarized our study of the Jewish Question with these words: “The so-called Jewish religion, codified by the rabbis in the Talmud, and the so-called Jewish race, an instrument of Zionist propaganda, form one and the same imposture inspired by hell and denounced by the Apostle John as the “Synagogue of Satan”, whose aim is, on the one hand, to imprison perfidious Jews in a psychic ghetto, and on the other hand, by means of a globalist, materialistic and totalitarian project which temporally benefits a very small minority of Jewish and non-Jewish Mammonites, to enslave the whole of humanity, and this by divine permission because of the punishment deserved by all peoples for having, one like the others, preferred Mammon to Christ. »

“God or Mammon” was warning Christ…
Most people don’t believe in God or the devil. It will therefore seem unimaginable and inconceivable to them that most politicians, most official media and most international organizations (such as the UN, WHO, IMF…) can be nothing but tools of false and criminal propaganda in the service of those who finance them and who happen to be unscrupulous individuals… in the service of the devil.

To understand this, it is enough to inform oneself a little seriously, then to accept the facts… Let’s show it, to make it short, in three steps and through three quotations:

Today, the State, revolutionary and Masonic, is the worst enemy of the people. The historian Jean de Viguerie wrote: “We must face the facts, the homeland has disappeared from our eyes. Likewise the nation. Independence and sovereignty are the necessary conditions for the existence of a nation. Now, we know what Europeanism and globalism have done to France’s independence and sovereignty. For more than two centuries, those who refuse to worship the myths of human rights have been persecuted in our country. The fatherland is gone, the nation disintegrated, the State remains. …] With the State born of the Enlightenment and the Revolution, we will never do anything. The Vendeans and the Count de Chambord understood that. Perhaps one day the French will understand it. …In fact, there is no France anymore, and it was the governments that killed her. That is the reality.” (Les deux Patries, 2003)

Today political power, in the noble sense of the word, has disappeared in favour of the occult and economic power alone. Valérie Bugault, Doctor of Laws, said on Radio Courtoisie in 2018: “Today the currency no longer serves the common good but private interests. Money is now structurally conceived as an instrument of domination. Today political power is merely an emanation of the economic power that hides behind state institutions but is in the hands of a nomadic, anonymous, stateless and cosmopolitan financial minority. The French state, technically, functionally, no longer exists. It no longer has any sovereignty. There is still a lot of talk about it, but it is talking about something that has been missing for a while. It has been obvious since the European institutions, but it has been true for the last 150 years… The key thing to keep in mind and understand is that political power in the West has not existed since the Enlightenment. In the New World Order, the real leaders are anonymous, therefore irresponsible – because they are unaccountable – unlimited and totalitarian … ”

Today, and this is perhaps the most difficult to accept, the world is ruled by paedocriminal elites in the service of Satan who practice rites of power by raping, torturing, killing and drinking the blood of children. See on this subject the documentary in three parts, “The sacrificed children”, directed by Hervé Ryssen who synthesizes on this subject various testimonies and investigations (Karl Zero, Elice Lucet…).

When God does not reign, Satan exercises his evil power with more cruelty. It’s up to men to choose who they want as their master! Only a profound ignorance of the religious dimension of the human drama explains the unbelief of the masses before paedo-satanism. Since the beginning of idolatrous times, Satan has taken pleasure in humiliating men who had abandoned the worship of the true God by favouring human sacrifices, especially those of children. The Bible as well as secular history (Inca kingdom, ritual cannibalism in Papua and Central Africa…) tell these same facts at all times. And it is not because the devil’s henchmen today wear ties and mobile phones that they are no longer henchmen of Satan.

The divine law of the true God has always proscribed these satanic practices: “You shall not give any of your children to pass through the fire in honor of Moloch, and you shall not profane the name of your God. I am Yahweh.” (Leviticus 18:21); “You shall not do so to the Lord your God: for they did unto their gods all the abominations which the Lord hated, and even gave their sons and daughters into the fire for their gods.” (Deut 12:31) But the Jews regularly fell into this abominable worship. Ungodly kings of Judah and Israel were themselves guilty of these crimes: Ahaz and Manasseh in Jerusalem; Hosea in Samaria; Solomon himself at the end of his life (II Kings 23:10-14). These practices never completely disappeared. God regularly had his prophets speak out against the perverts who indulged in these child sacrifices by fire: “Because they have forsaken me, and have burned incense to foreign gods, and have filled this place with the blood of the innocent. They have built high places in Baal to consume their children with fire for a burnt offering to Baal; things which I commanded not, nor said. And that were not in my mind. Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make the council of Judah and Jerusalem vain in this place, and will make this city a terror and a derision: thus saith the Lord of hosts: I will break this people and this city, as a potter’s vessel is broken that cannot be repaired… ” (Jeremiah 19:5-13); “You have taken your sons and your daughters whom you bore to me, and have offered them for a sacrifice, that they might devour them. Was it too little of your whoredoms that you slaughtered my sons and delivered them to them, making them pass through the fire in their honor? Woe, woe to you! Oracle of the Lord Yahweh. ” (Ezekiel 16:20-23)

It seems to me that the time has come to open our eyes and understand that for several months now we have been subjected to a gigantic mental and emotional manipulation; we are victims of an enormous operation of social engineering, unprecedented in the history of humanity, carried out with a view to the establishment, in the short or medium term, of a totalitarian government on a planetary scale.

As a precautionary principle: never believe the “official” media (TF1, LCI, BFMTV, Cnews, France Info…) or governments. The former are at the service of the latter and the latter are the worst enemies of the people (de Viguerie). Both belong to stateless finance. Politics no longer exists: only appearances are enough to better deceive the people (Valérie Bugault).

But above all it is time to take seriously the teachings of Christ: “No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will cling to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Wealth… Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all else will be given to you besides. “(Mt 6:24 & 33)

People have abandoned Christ, his doctrine and morals… And one is astonished that the world is ruled by the “prince of this world”: Satan. Men live and drink sin like water: lust and fornication, anger and violence, greed and cowardice, pride and vanity… And one is astonished that the world is ruled by hypocrites and cruel people, proud and selfish, belligerent and liars. Christ called this kind of people a “race of vipers” (Mt 23:33) “because, in the likeness of these beasts, they behaved tortuously and harmed others. “Beware,” he said, “of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees” (Mt 16:6). He also said of Herod, “Go and tell that fox…” (Lk 13:32), thus signifying his cunning and deceitfulness. “1] He also called them “sons of the devil” because they do “his works […] they are related to the devil, who became the initiator and the original cause of apostasy both for himself and for others. »[2]

How is it that the masses are still ready to believe a government which, one month apart and speaking under the alleged authority of an anonymous “scientific” council, in the midst of a so-called “health crisis”, declares that it is not advisable to wear a mask and which, after the end of the alleged “health crisis”, declares that it is compulsory to wear a mask? How can such a political-media sham, which is carrying out a life-size experiment of global social engineering of total control of the masses, be so successful?

Beyond the techniques of manipulation and propaganda, beyond the colossal sums of money at the disposal of Satan’s henchmen, beyond the vexation and corruption of the worldly elites on the march, the deepest of reasons, and therefore the least obvious, is that by a just punishment and return of things, the “god of this century” blinds the intelligence of man, who by refusing “the love of truth” refuses to submit to reality and to the requirements of divine and natural laws.

Only the massive rejection of God can explain the distressing situation and the monstrous imposture in place:

“In regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our reunion with him […] before then will come apostasy, and the man of sin, the son of perdition, the adversary who rises up against all that is called God or honored in worship, even to the point of sitting in the sanctuary of God, will manifest himself, and to present himself as if he were God […] This ungodly man will be, by the power of Satan, accompanied by all kinds of miracles and signs and lying wonders, with all the deceitfulness of iniquity, to those who are lost, because they have not opened their hearts to the love of the truth that would have saved them. This is why God sends them powerful illusions that will make them believe a lie, so that all those who have refused their faith in the truth, and have instead taken pleasure in unrighteousness, fall under His judgment. For us, we must give thanks to God continuously for you, beloved brothers of the Lord, for what God has chosen you from the beginning to save you through the sanctification of the Spirit and faith in the truth. This is what He has called you to through our preaching of the Gospel, to bring you the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brothers, stand firm and keep the teachings you have received. May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal consolation and good hope by His grace, comfort your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and good word. “(II Thess 2:1-17).


Romans 5:20 “But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.”

-I retract any and all statements I have made that are incongruent with the True Faith, and apologize for ever having made them-



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