Website update and other things…

Hello friends of ISOC.

Thought it was about time to let you know that work on the new ISOC website is underway big time. Moving all the CDs and interviews, etc., to the new site is extremely time-consuming but we’re getting there. And we think you’ll be pleased.

As an aside, I, Judith Sharpe, have a husband John, who is very ill. We and doctors believe he had a series of small strokes (TIAs) which along with a severe UTI threw him in the hospital for 10 days. He really has not recovered and is on home Hospice. Needless to say caring for him takes a lot out of my day so work on ISOC is minimalized at present. May I ask your prayers for his comfort and a holy, happy death (when Our Lord deems it His desire).

John has been a big part of ISOC from its inception and his being out of commission is a loss to our efforts.

However, we continue with interviews and hopefully adding a couple new books for your library but delays may be in the offing. We know you understand. And we appreciate your continuing and most welcome support.

We’ve come a long way since 1998 when ISOC began its work for the honor and glory of God.

God bless and keep you.

In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,



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Fatima Fulfilled, but Still Foreboding

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October 15, 2024
Slavery in History

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December 15, 2024
Muder Incorporated – Part III

Dr. Robert Sugenis
Janury 15, 2025
Fatima Fulfilled, but Still Foreboding – Part II

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